Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Condo and Loft Owners: A Springtime To-Do List

Spring is just around the corner. As the owner of a condo or loft, there likely is less on your to-do list than there would be if you owned a single-family home. No need to worry about mowing the lawn, making sure the gutters are ready to handle the rain, or replacing storm doors with screen doors, for example. But there are still plenty of things you can do.

Following are five tips for preparing your loft or condo for spring.

1. Spring cleaning. Go through your boxes and throw away items you have not used in a year or two. One of the most common things I hear from people, especially when they move, is how much better they feel after ridding themselves of things they do not use. The spring is a great time to take stock of what you own and throw away or donate to charity things you no longer use. After all, the loft and condo life is all about the simpler life, and what better way to simplify things than to stop hanging onto items you rarely use?

2. Paint. Nothing livens a space like a fresh coat of paint. Consider adding a light, airy color. Not only will it make your space seem bigger and more spacious, but paint also is a great way to revitalize a room. By simply investing in a can or two of paint, a brush and a roller, you can change the entire feel of a room.

3. Store those winter clothes. Even people who live in lofts and condos go outside in the winter, which requires clothing that is far bulkier than is necessary when the weather is warmer. And those coats and boots take up a lot of space. You will save space in your closet or storage area simply by putting your cold-weather gear in a box, labeling it "winter," and not worry about it for a few months.

4. Clean your windows. Even if you have drapes and shades that cover your windows, chances are you will pull them back when the weather is nice. But when you do, you also will notice the dirt and grime that has collected in the past few months. A simple clean job will improve your view and let in more natural light. We could all use a little more sunshine.

5. Plan your life. People who own homes have to mow their lawns, clean their gutters, and sweep their sidewalks during the spring and summer. The list can be long, and can cut into the time they have available for other things. Condo and loft dwellers do not have such worries. So makes plans to hit nearby parks, head to the lake, or take that vacation you always have wanted to take. Take advantage of the fact that the loft and condo life is a simpler one.

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