Monday, September 3, 2012

Success - Timing is Everything!

One of the interesting things I've discovered, over countless experiences with 'success', is the truth of this old adage -Timing is everything.

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I've always been 'ahead of my time', as they say. And frustrated by it. I'd come up with ideas that the world wasn't ready for and had to sit and wait till it was.

Many years ago I 'knew' I needed to start a alternate book shop, but every move I made was blocked. I really started to think I was on the wrong track. Then, all of a sudden, after so much struggle, the pieces all fell into place and I was off and running.

Success - Timing is Everything!

It felt a little like someone who'd been trying to get a lazy horse to trot, suddenly finding the animal bolting, out of control, under them.

Since that time, I've learned patience. I've learned to wait for the tumblers to fall into place so the lock would open. Sometimes I've used Astrology to try to predict when the time was right.

But what I've noticed over the years is the uncanny broad-stroke accuracy of Numerology to predict the timing of experiences.

Numerology works on the premise that numbers have a power we cannot understand. They vibrate in our names to give us personal qualities and they resonate in certain years of our lives to draw in certain kinds of experiences.

Now, I don't think anyone has done any studies into Numerology using scientific method as they have with Astrology (eg Michel Gauquelin ). Yet, I've observed the patterns in my own changeable career path and it seems more than coincidence. Let me give you an example.

In Numerology there are nine numbers -the single digits - that are its foundation. Everything breaks down into these numbers. Events cycle in nines. Everyone's cycle is slightly different, because when you add your day and month of birth to the calendar year you are looking at, you get your 'personal' year.

I am a '7' based on my date of birth- this is my so-called destiny number. 7s are the researchers, scientist and teachers. There is nowhere in my Astrology Chart that so clearly proclaims my career path. I've got a 'splash chart'- characteristically a 'jack of all trades'. And yet I wanted to be a teacher from the first moment a career guidance assessor told me I could be. And it has been my career path for the last 30 odd years.

I started to observe the cycles in my life and compare them to my 'personal years', as defined by Numerology, and it was spooky. For instance, 4 years are hard work and are followed by a breaking-free in the 5th year.

In the cycle before this one, the 4th year saw the slow death of my mother from cancer and a deterioration in my marriage. In the 5th year I left my husband.

In this current cycle, the 4th year saw me redundant, trying to get a game I'd invented ready for marketing. I was working very hard and getting nowhere.

In the 5th year, the opportunity to come to England came up. I broke free of my self-imposed isolation.

In my 6th year, I got work with a community-based organization (6 is about family and community).

In the 7th , work dried up and I was researching and perfecting my game again, as well as learning about internet marketing.

7 years are always times to step back and reassess your life. On previous 7 years I've had my two sons (on different cycles) which forced me to step back from my career and get other priorities. In another cycle, I dropped back to a half program in my job so I could study.

And now I'm in an 8 year. Suddenly I'm buying investment properties, marketing my game in earnest, (amongst other internet projects) and really being 'business' focused- That's one of the most important aspects of an 8 year.

I'm still not totally sold on Numerology, but I'm not against observing patterns and using them to draw meaning for my life.

If you've ever wondered about the broad brush-strokes of your life, why not sit down and do some calculations. You can find the generalized meanings for the numbers by Googling them. See if the patterns are there for you.

Oh, and that book shop I was talking about, that just wouldn't 'fall into place'? It really got going in my 8th year. Timing, as they say, is everything!

Success - Timing is Everything!

If you'd like to find out more about the patterns in your life, why not go to [] My board game, 'Psyche's Key' (the one I've been working on for so long) can provided you with many of the answers you need. It can also help you to release the Beliefs you hold that are stopping you getting what you're 'destined' to have.

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