Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Astrology and Suicide - Your Sign May Influence Your Choices

Your astrological sign not only effects the likelihood of you committing suicide, it also effects the way you choose to do it!

Suicide is a tragic reaction to stress, pressure, anger, depression and sometimes mental illness. Why one person faced with a set of circumstances will chose to end their life when another person faced with a similar situation will not even consider it, can often be explained by the personality traits and characteristics of the people involved (amongst other factors of course). Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Astrology knows that the sign a person is born under will influence their personality, creativity, intelligence, success etc.

An extensive study examining 60,000 unnatural deaths revealed that a person's astrological sign not only effects the way they live, it also influences the way they might die. Looking at suicide in particular (as one of more than 10 methods of unnatural deaths reviewed), there is a clear connection between the method used and the probability of killing oneself and the star sign involved.

Astrology and Suicide - Your Sign May Influence Your Choices

If you do have a knowledge of Astrology, I imagine that you are already forming conclusions in your head regarding the sign most likely to commit suicide, and how they would do it.

In order to give a clear picture of Astrological sign and suicide, four methods were examined in detail. In drug overdoses, Capricorn and Leo were the equal leaders with Scorpio being the sign least likely to commit suicide in this way. Pisces is the sign most likely to die from suicide by hanging, with Scorpio the least likely again. Carbon Monoxide poisoning (usually in a car) is the method most often chosen by a Taurus, with Sagittarius least likely to choose this way to commit suicide. The final method of killing oneself examined in this study was death by gunshot, with Virgos being ranked first, and Scorpios coming last again.

The signs that ranked first in the above causes can be examined in greater detail, with conclusions being drawn from the traits (negative and positive) of each sign. For example: Pisces, a deeply contemplative water sign given to intense fantasizing may struggle to cope with reality. Add that to a high level of vulnerability many Pisces suffer from and a certain flair for the dramatic and it is not hard to explain why Pisces scores first in hanging. Scorpio is the sign least likely to die an unnatural death from any cause, but is the most likely sign to cause the death of another person.

By knowing how your sign ranks in unnatural deaths and in suicide in particular, you can be better prepared to seek help if you need it, observing your weaknesses and recognizing your strengths.

Astrology and Suicide - Your Sign May Influence Your Choices
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For more information on the links between unnatural death and Astrological sign, please go to []

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